Welcome to my World of Business Education!

This blog is my journey into the world of Business Education from student to teacher. Like the world this blog will evolve as I continue to learn and make that transition. Hopefully you will find something interesting and helpful. In return please feel free to join in with thoughts, ideas, comments and suggestions as I am just beginning that journey after spending the majority of my life in the business world.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tips on E-mail Etiquette

E-mail is an essential tool in the business world and is a major source of communication between employees to its use as a marketing tool. Having students learn good e-mail etiquette is very important in todays global marketplace. Here are some tips to sending a good e-mail correspondence.

  • Consider composing offline
  • Don't say anything you don't want others to read.
  • Make the message relative to your audience.
  • Write short messages limited to one idea and one screen.
  • Get addresses correct.
  • Use appropriate subject lines, descriptive and concise.
  • Include a salutation and closing to personalize the message.
  • Don't use all CAPS or all lower case.
  • Resist humor.
  • Avoid jargon, technical words, and shortened terms.
  • Use proper punctuation, grammar, spelling and capitalization.
  • Be concise - don't use unnecessary information.
  • Don't use background formating, clip art, color type and unusual fonts.
  • Use graphic highlights to enhance important information.
  • Use a signature line with all your contact information.
  • Double check (proofread, proofread, proofread) before hitting send.
  • Make sure your message is sent.
  • Do not send messages when you are ANGRY.
  • Don't forward a message without permission.
  • Be selective - send only to the appropriate parties.
  • Consider cultural differences.
  • Include just enough of the prior messages to remind the receiver why you are writing - just don't keep hitting reply.
  • Last but certainly not the least - maintain and use current up-to-date virus protection.

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